• Discount available for PAA Members.

Intended Audience

This primer will be most useful for clinicians with a basic understanding of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.  While there will be a brief review of diagnostic criteria, the workshop will address those with an existing knowledge base who are interested in developing greater clinical skill and understanding related to the first responder population.

Learning objectives

  • To understand the unique nature of operational stress on first responders and how this relates to engagement with this population

  • To facilitate recognition of empirically-supported, “gold standard” treatments of PTSD, and how principles can be applied in clinical settings

  • To provide clarification and awareness regarding systemic issues faced by first responders and how these impact access to care

  • To discuss current treatment options in the context of WCB legislation and how to navigate systemic issues when working with this population


Megan McElheran, Ph.D.

Dr. Megan McElheran R.Psych. is a Clinical Psychologist and Managing Director of WGM Psychological Services Ltd.. Dr. McElheran completed several years training at the National Center for Posttrauamtic Stress Disorder in Menlo Park, CA, as well as more recently having developed specialization in application and dissemination of Prolonged Exposure for the treatment of PTSD. WGM Psychological Services Ltd. is a community-based psychology practice that works primarily with first responders, including members of the RCMP, Calgary Police Service, Calgary Firefighters, EMS and Canadian Forces.

Continuing Education

The Psychologists’ Association of Alberta (PAA) is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) to offer Continuing Education (CE) for psychologists. This workshop is offered for one (1.0) hours of CE Credit. Full attendance at the workshop is required to receive Continuing Education Credits. Partial credit will not be awarded, and late arrivals or early departure will preclude awarding of Continuing Education Credits. PAA maintains responsibility for the program.

Credits: 1.0

Cancellation and Refunds

Upon purchase, the product will be available for 90 days. Cancellation and refunds may be applied for by email or phone call to the PAA Membership Officer. Cancellations received within 24 hours of registration for the Continuing Professional Development activity will receive a full refund of the registration fee. Cancellations received within 48 hours of registration for the Continuing Professional Development activity will receive a full refund of the registration fee, less a $35.00 + GST processing fee. PAA reserves the right to cancel any activity, in which case a full refund of the registration fee will be provided. No refunds will be issued if a CE Certificate has been generated. 

Trauma & PTSD in First Responder Populations

Watch at your own pace! 1-hour primer.